Our Products
We offer high quality machine rounded and peeled wooden posts, TORNADO wire fences and accessories for fencing of rural areas, meadows, forests and other areas. In addition, we offer services for installation of fences.
Our Poles
Machine rounded and peeled wooden posts fit perfectly into the natural landscape. The posts are available with different diameters and lengths, according to the individual needs of each customer. Using an industrial vacuum pressure equipment posts are impregnated using wood preservative Celcure C65, ensuring longer service life.
We offer impregnation according to CTB + standards.
We offer impregnation according to CTB + standards.
Our Mission
To offer our customers high-quality impregnated posts, resistant wire fences and fence installation services.
Years experience in trading
Years Experience in impregnation
Years Experience in fencing
TURNOVER 2021, M €